
No, there isn't a word. But the whole problem is that the journalists are looking for a way to create a story.

I live in Denver, on the other side of the metro area from Littleton, which is where Columbine HS is. One week after the tragedy both of our local daily newspapers were referring to the one-week anniversary. Two months after they were referring to the two-month anniversary. All of these fabrications are abominable in my not-so-humble opinion, and fostered by laziness and ignorance. (Goshy, I wonder if I should tell people how I really feel!)

There is no reason the copywriters or editors cannot recast the offending sentences to say something like: "It was a week ago today that such and such happened." Or "Tomorrow will mark three months since the tragedy at Columbine High School occurred."

Welcome aboard the board, Abagog! Hope to see you around here a lot, particularly so you can tell us more about this thing you do with the oceans.