Rubrick : I agree with your observation that some say that it is their need to cover the truth of a subject and record it for the world to see that drives them.

journalists are lured to the dangerous spots and conflicts is perhaps true of freelancers but in many cases the reporter is assigned by an editor and goes where sent.
Then of course you have the "Bigfoots" - nationally known figures - who rush in, report and leave. My personal experience is that most Bigfoots are from TV.
Generally, it is the regular reporter, the guy-on-the-ground who gets the real stories.
Many events would never have been noticed internationally but for the persistence and courage of some guys on the ground. The famine in Ethiopia of years ago leaps to mind.

Then, of course there are cases where combatants who have things to hide will kill a reporter for the chilling effect on the media.
When troops are sent they have had training and are armed. Reporters go with a pencil and paper. Hero? Perhaps not. But courageous, I think so.
My sympathy goes out to the family Dan Pearl left behind.