"...tsuwm's challenging question of how often, and by what process, original ideas arise. Now there's an original thought.

...a new arrangement of or an extrapoloation of existing knowledge.

I was going to make this point directly, but now that would be approaching plagerism, wouldn't it?

People ask me all the time: You are a musician, why is your recording collection so small? (No more than 50 total) I answer them: Music is a very personal experience, and I like to keep it and promote it that way. I'd rather go hear a live performance and support live performance by my pressence there.

This also limits my repetitive exposure to specific acoustics. The sound coming out of your recording device is limited by the speakers, the technology, the media (broadcast/cd's/phonograph), the recording technique, the room recorded in, and finally the performer. Live music it's most often me, the perfomer(s) and a bit of a room, which I consider a step in the right direction as it pertains to quality. But this also limits my exposure to a certain quantity, and this is essential for me being a composer. It allows me to focus on melodic ideas little longer... letting them mull over in my minds ear without being bombarded by new ideas all the time. Very rarely do I have a chance here in the 'big city' to be in a place of silence. There is just too much "inspiration". Kinda makes it so your doomed to not have the opportunity to have an original thought (acoustically, that is).