Definitely Haitch in English Québec. That is how we are taught to say in in grade school.

You are right about French pronunciation of English words though. For some reason Hs are added/pronounceed in front of vowel words like Honion and remove them in front of H words like ockey. I don't understand it one bit.

Haitch/aitch story.
A couple of years ago I was watching the U.S. national spelling bee (don’t y’all dare call me a geek) and the animator asked one little girl to spell aitch. “Aitch” she said with confusion. “Aitch” he said with authority.

“Um, can I get a definition please?” again with some confusion. I believe he said something like “aitch is the eight letter of the alphabet.” So, she, being from non-continental U.S. said “Haitch??” “aitch” he says. Poor thing got it wrong.