yeah, the holy underwear looks all the world for what i would call a union suit... a one piece undergarment that you can still buy (hunter and other doors people use them)

and you're taught, by your parents how to ease out of one side, slip a fresh one on to the bare side, and then ease out of the other side, and finish putting the new one on.

some less religous LDS were something closer to a a teddy, but the proper garment covers the upper arms and thighs, so no shorts, no sleeveless dressed, etc. and wedding dresses are a particular problem...

there was a big scandle some 15 to 20 years ago...
Joseph Smith, the founder and translater of the book of morman(the book of morman was written on goldend plates, J. got see them, and translate them, but then the angel moroni took them back..)also translated egyptian heiroglyphics

since they believe that jesus came to the americas, to convert the indians after his death in israel, joseph used to collect scraps of egytian scolls (the were used for shipping material) and claim they were proof, since they told all about it..

the rosetta stone had already been discovered, but news hadn't reached upstate ny, or illinois, or the other places the mormans tried to settle before ending up in utah, and at that point, no one thought heiroglyphics would ever be translated...

nowdays, the church is very close about these scraps of paper, and when a forger started to come up with "early letters, and copies of the translations" the church bought them up as fast as they could, name your price, no questions asked...

the forgered ended up having his house bombed, as i recall, when he wasn't fast enough in turning over the papers... then the FBI got involved, and the elders of the LDS where very upset. a couple of bishops just plead guilty, so that there wouldn't be any trial... and the FBI would end its investagations.. (but by then, they were investigating the forger, since he didn't limit himself to LDS documents.)

i don't remember the names, but i suspect you could google up some thing just with forgery and LDS. fasinating stuff..
there is also the book, Secret Ceremonies, by deborah laake, she is a former morman, who quite the church and wrote all about it.... some very strange stuff, make all the hoodoo voodoo of the catholic rites look down right tame!