In case anyone is interested...

I wasn't aware of the marrying ancestors version, rather that they routinely baptize their ancestors into the church retroactively. Apparently there was some flap several years ago about trying to retro-induct Founding Fathers and other notables to whom they couldn't prove lineage relation. If you listened closely, you could hear the faint rumble of all those people simultaneously rolling over in their graves.

Also, there's a further issue of clothing ~ some holy garment that they have to wear at all times... in the shower, in bed, at all times. Of course, it features special flaps to accommodate the making of more Mormons, but it's all blessed and sanctified - they might have a second set, I'm not exactly clear on how they manage to wear it at all times and not stink their way to the holy planets.

There's a website full of stories from the inside - people who left the church who reveal some of the inner workings and hypocrisies. It's fascinating reading - a friend pointed me to it when she was in the process of divorcing her Mormon husband. She's a confirmed Athiest (so to speak)... that was doomed from the start! I'll see if I can find it if anyone is interested.

Oh yeah - and on the topic of reversing the church's position - the no caffeine rule was relaxed after it became public knowledge that LDS was a major stockholder in the Coca-Cola corporation. You guessed it, some elder or another had a revelatory dream. <Sigh>