>Rubrick just metioned somewhere "there's that rag, again"<


n. cloth; n. newspaper; n. music, a composition in ragtime; v. to harangue, rail at, scold, torment, tease (also ragging) no feminist-slur intended
And this marked origin unknown (sounds like a job for TsuwmMan!...faster than a reading bullet!)
n. 1. any of various hard rocks 2.a large roofing slate that is rough on one side (rocks?...stales?)

And this: n. chiefly Brit: an outburst of boisterous fun; also PRANK (sounds like mav's department on both counts! )

Also n. the stringy axis and white fibrous membrane of a citrus fruit, but Anu had a Daily Word for this last spring I liked much better...gotta look it up though, unless someone beats me to it.

All citations from Websters