On the subject of universities and hospitals, my own alma mater is Johns Hopkins University. There is also Johns Hopkins Hospital, which is one of the 3 top hospitals in the USA. They were named for Johns Hopkins, a Quaker merchant and moneybags who died in 1870 with no children, leaving an estate of $7 million to found a university and a hospital, the largest charitable bequest in US history at the time (worth in today's money over $250 mil). He was named for John the Baptist and John the Evangelist, hence the name Johns, not John. In polite and/or educated circles in Maryland, it is axiomatic that whoever refers to John Hopkins U or Hosp shows him/herself to be an ignoramus. Notwithstanding, last Sunday we drove to our son's house near D.C. and on the way passed the intersection of Rt. 29 and Johns Hopkins Road, so identified by a prominent sign over the intersection. On the way home, I happened to notice that the sign at the same intersection identified it as John Hopkins Road. Apparently the sign facing the northbound lane is not the same as the one on the southbound side, and wrong at that.