>Ornithotrophe is neither in the OED....

but you are wrong, oh strophic one. it is listed under the
prefix ornitho-

or"nithotrophe nonce-wd., a place to which birds are attracted by food, so as to come under observation.
1826 Dovaston in Bewick's Brit. Birds (ed. 6) I. Pref. 5, I examined+no less than twenty three sorts of birds in and about my Ornithotrophe, as I humourously denominate it.

so it was invented by Mr. Dovaston for his bird book and prolly never used again. and as far as it not being a -strophe word, there you have me, as I originally looked for -trophe (or even trophy!) words. but was then swayed by the struffy (or was it scruffy) comments of dr. bill.