well i agree with you about one thing Dr bill fungible is not a word for Time.. which might or might not be Curt, Clear, Complete, but it most certainly writen to a 6th graders comprehension. and slow 6th grader at that!

i hate that it cost so much.. but i read the economist. it really is a news weekly.. and covers the news of the world.. not just a little bit of it..

i love the NY'er cartoon/cover-- the one that has a vague map, the shows, close up, NY streets 10th Avenue, and looking west.. and as it moves further west, things get vaguer, and vaguer.. it makes fun of NYer's city centeredness...

and i have seen the idea copied.. it doesn't work as well from chicago or LA, but its been done..

but as much as i enjoy the poster, and as much as i think NY is the greatest, when it come to news magazines, i don't want something with a narrow, parochial view.

a long time ago, Time might have been a good news magazine.. but when did it last cover the news in South America? when americans where kidnapped? or killed-- and then once there is nothing that directly effects an identifiable US citizen.. it fall of the map! no coverage!
Oh, something really dramatic, a major earthquake.. but week after week, it seems there is no news at all from most of the world, if Time is to be believed.

I can't say i do more than skim the news about NZ or Ozzie political scandles..or about the oil scandles in nigeria, or the diamond smuggling in angola.. but at least they are covered!