is fungible that obscure a word? i ran into it long, long ago, when i was in my True Crimes reading jag.. this is still a popular catagory of books.. stories about serial killers and -- if memory servers, the word was in a book about a woman who serial killed her own children..and when she ran out, had some more..and repeated the act

and its been featured in comic's in The New Yorker and while that might not be everyday reading matter, it is read by a large portion of the reading public in US, and is considered a general interest magazine. where as true crime stories are general held to be rather low class reading..

the NYer comic had a senior partern in a law firm explaning to a new hire.. "Associates are fungible, partners are not" --

my understanding of the word is, it describes things, that while not identital, can be used interchangeably.

for example, paying for purchase with 4 quarters, rather than a $1 bill (paper). the difference is fungible.. If i ally myself with who ever is currently in power, and alway root for the winning side, my loyalties would be fungilbe.