gee WW i read Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,, and saw the poet writing of his youth-- when the wood was still yellow, not yet full green, early in the spring..

by the last stanza, the wood is longer yellow.. (and the writer is no longer young)

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

as for regrets about choices made..
i guess i am luckier than some.. i have very few regrets.. i have made many mistakes in my life, and these have cost me dearly-- but a chance to redo? I am where i am now, because of the some total of these parts..

My life might have been different-- but i don't know if it would have been better.. i sometimes think of my self as a beautiful shaped and polished stone.. (a diamond)
A diamond doesn't get that beautiful shape and shine sitting in the water, and having a gentle flow.. to get a sparkling diamond.. you need to press it hard to the wheel, where diamond grit, the hardest of grits, grinds away, and wear it down.. you need to split the stone, polish the stone-- reshape it.. its hard work.. but in the end.. you have something beautiful

i might have started out, a small flawed diamond -- and my life has not always been easy.. Oh, but now, i am multifaceted, and sparkle more brightly than you can imagine!