I think this line is unutterably sad: I doubted if I should ever come back. I want to know where the other path went, and what was on it, during the going? I think I've posted something to this effect before--that I regret that I can't live sort of "parallel lives"; that is, I want to know what is happening everywhere. But if I travel to there, wherever there is, then I'll miss what's happening here while I'm gone. So I wish, for example, that I could lead my life here, and at the same time, live a life in, say, England, New Zealand, and Antarctica. If a penguin jumps off a rock in New Zealand, I want to see it--he'll never do exactly that jump again. But had I gone off looking at penguins (or whatever), I'd have missed my children's first steps (or whatever). SIGH! I suppose we're just not meant to do/know/see everything, but...I want to!! I sure would love it if someone would invent teleportation or something in my lifetime.