Oh, and btw, they weren't kidding about Dannevirke, take it from someone who knows.

Seconded. I think I had the worst feed of fish and chips I've ever had from the Dannevirke Fish Supply. Bulls is crap, too. Te Awamutu is twaddle. Auckland was built where it is because they needed somewhere to put all the ignorant twats who think that "Shortland Street" is some kind of Kiwi cultural statement. Kind of explains why there are 1,000,000 people there. The alternate theory is that they just needed somewhere to put a gas station so people could fill up between Kaitaia and Bulls.

The rumour is that volcanic activity under Auckland is increasing and that one day One Tree Hill, Mt Hobson, Mt Wellington and all the other old volcanoes will blow their tops and wipe the place off the face of the earth. The rest of us are praying to Vulcan ...

And, if you hadn't cottoned on, Westies are the Kiwi version of rednecks. But the fact that the authors used it marks them down as Aucklanders. No one in the rest the of the country would be so crass as to use the term. Roll on the geothermal activity ...

The idiot also known as Capfka ...