some weeks ago, i posted some of the "gallows" humor that is going on in NY--We live with the tragedy-- it is our norm now.. and humor is part of any normal life..

We thank the fire fighters from all over who are still coming to assist.. (Yesterday, i thank FF's from Seattle WA, today, Ashland VA) and tease them as they gawk at the Woolworth building--It looms large again in the skyline.. but it was dwarfed by WTC-- by pointing out they have come too late in NYC life to see the really big buildings!

They are always surprised we can identify them.. but shock and horror do not wipe away wide eyed innocence.. and they apologies instead of pushing on to already crowded subway trains.. Like Monty Python's rural folk, they all but nod their heads, and tug at their for'locks!

we NY'ers respond by pushing them onto the trains-- and when they worry they have no hand hold-- we teach them on the spot the secret of riding the subways..

at the beginning of the month-- my son got lost on his way to downtown Manhattan -- we were going out to dinner, and made a point of going down town to eat.. he stayed on the FDR drive, with a plan of getting off at point X-- only to find himself being forced onto the Brooklyn bridge.. Oh Yeah, traffic patterns had been changed.. you no longer could turn and go west!

yes, some topics are still to painful to joke about.. but humor is coming back..