I apologize for not having the correct terms for what I mention below:

In our elementary school, our librarian orders books that will be mangled by the little hands of our elfin population. She orders special library editions that suffer well the certain abuse they will receive.

Occasionally, a well-meaning parent will donate a book to the library, and that donation, of course, is welcome but with reservations. Regular editions that a well-meaning parent purchases, say at Barnes & Noble, can and do fall apart after being checked out only a few times.

I have heard parents ask our librarian, after having donated a book, why their books aren't on the shelves and in the system anymore. The librarian lets them know at that point the problem with regular editions not being bound for kid abuse. Often parents will give a donation so the librarian can order the specially bound, sturdier editions.

There is a term for such editions, and, if this thread still runs next week, I'll insert it here...unless someone already knows what I'm writing about.

Best regards,