and then again, in the late 60's and 70's, Apache was used to define the war like conditions in the south bronx. Fort Apache became a nick name for a police precinct, and a book, and a movie.

we in US still have a tendency to close our eyes to the our own past. collectively, our behaviour has some very large blights. We like to pretend we always behave better than that now... but i fear it takes very little for the venner of respect to be damaged.. just look what happened to innocent people right after Sept. 11th. the arabs, iraqi's, pakistanis, and other in my neighborhood, are clearly anxious-- of me, and every one they encounter. they keep there eyes down, and avoid eye contact, and when i was bumped by a child having fun, (bumped by a shopping wagon) the mother froze, terrified.. i made light of it, and she relaxed, but, it is sad that she feels this way. and i don't think it is with out reason. i can keep calm, and let her know not every one who looks at her sees a terrorist, but that is very little.