it kind of strange.. they each seemed to want to have the last word, and to end the thread. i have posted stuff, and had it sit there, with no one posting afterwards.. i've ended threads.

to me, its horrible.. i feel abandoned, shut out. as if i have made some awful faux pas, posted somthing so bad, so horrific, that no one is even going to comment on it. if you want ever get rid of me, ignore my post, stop teasing me when i make horrid typo's, don't get mad when i threaten a food fight (even if i haven't actually engaged in one) lately, just the thought of it, gets everyone back to words..

the nicest thing that happened when i first started here, was everyone, (collectively, but as i recall, Maverick lead the way) took off the gloves, and started to pick on me, and tease me, and made me feel like an insider.

maybe plutarch was an only child, and doesn't realize how brothers and sister get along.. but everyone here feels like family.. (and when you get as far away as third cousin, twice removed.. well, you're far enough removed to be marrying material!) No, everyone isn't sacharin all the time, but we are not cruel, either. (well, that's almost not true, but we don't make it a habit to be cruel!)