Moss how about a link to the original article -- or some of it, if it is on a site like the economist (not that i think the economist would print such drivel..) that requires a paid subscription.. (and if i am wrong, i do have have a paid subscription to economist, and I'll get it!)

yes, there are women who are attracted to dangerous men. and there are men who race cars, or climb Mt Everest, or hang glide.. and who tell you these are not really dangerous activities.. but i don't think many women lust after the former football player, and i think fewer are interested in bin Laden.

personally, i am much more attracted to brain power than brute force-- and while i do recognize a very smart stategy with the attacks, i have no interest in someone so cruel, and self centered. bin laden think so much of himself and his ideas, he thinks we should all live the life he has designed.. talk about an egotist! only some one with a very low sense of self worth could be interested.
don't think any one here has that little self esteem.