I don't know moss.. there is, and always has been a backlash to women's liberation. taking care of your self, being responsible, is hard work. lots of people don't want to work hard. in a marriage, roles, just as often fall out so that each partner takes responsiblity for the things they find easiest, as they do along sexual lines--ie, cooking become the job of the person who like to cook best, not always the wife. but between them both, everything gets done.

the taliban regime is very harsh-- but very simple. a woman can't leave the house unattended (no shopping, a bummer if you think clothes and shoes, but a godsend if you think grocery!) they can't work out side the house, (and if you are single career woman, the idea of a forces break sound very nice.)

i think every one, once in a while, dreams of someone taking over our lives, and yeilding to them. for most of us, its a once in rare mood dream.. and we recognize that playing submissive, to a god like master can be thought to be fun, but its not.

i really think, the more responsible you become, the less the idea of total submission to an outside force becomes. I don't think it is too taboo to mention here, i just don't think its a big issue.

one aspect of freedom, is, women are allowed, if they want to, to do something very similar. there are religious orders, of all stripes, that accept men and women, into a cloistered, regulated environment. they exist, and still get people to join. in the catholic church, fully cloister convents get more noviciates than more open religious groups!

a major difference between our society, and the society the taliban is trying to create, is we don't force people to act a certain way.. but the same freedom to chose, leads some to chose a life style similar to the one the taliban is trying to create by decree!

and as an FYI, tsuwm, is from the west side of the pond, west enough to be in Minnesota, in fact!-- but don't worry, its the least of your mistakes.. one of these days, you'll mistake one of the fine ladies that reside here for a he.. and then just come to me.. i am very skilled at scraping egg of my face, i'll help you out!

and finally--Start a new thread! why do that, when we can weave this subject into tsuwm's?
(we do run the risk that tsuwm's topic will prevail..)