Control + Alt + Delete-- is a switch. Some Operating Systems (OS's) use this switch all the time (NT for example)in Windows 3.1, the switch was crude-- all it did was shut down your computer. in newer OS's it is more useful.

and Jackie, the only difference between us is, i have been doing computers longer, and i am more prone to make mistakes.. as i figure out what i did wrong, why and how... i get to know an awful lot. Some of the guys here actually have degrees in Computer science. i have just have been making mistakes for 20 years.. (and hanging out with some of those guys who do have have a CS degree.)

and as for how come you don't start your computer the same way you stop it.. think about your car.. yes, you just turn the key to start it... but it has to be in neutral, and you give it a bit of gas.. but when you park, you first put it in neutral, engage the parking brake, (maybe even turn the wheels.. I think of Kentucky as being mountainous.. i live on a hill, and i always turn my wheels to the curb) and then, finally, after you have done all that, then you turn the key to turn it off.

if you didn't, you would first have to put the car in neutral to start, engage the emergency brake, etc... and you sure don't stop your car in the middle of something (say driving down a highway) by removing the key! You use your brakes.. Hmm.

So why would you expect to start and stop a computer exactly the same way?