This isn't directed just to you, tsuwm, but to all of you who jumped on this lady.

This is far beneath us to treat a new person thusly. There is no way she could have known that there's an unwritten "encouragement" not to engage in advertising here. Just reading her post about this course, I feel it's obvious she wanted to give people the opportunity to go to this class if they were fortunate enough to live in the Atlanta area. It did not smack of commercialism or spam any more that the post I made about getting totally free access to the online OED if you belonged to a certain book club. And I was gently chastised for that, if I remember correctly, and I've been here a long time.

On behalf of all those AWAD folks who treat new folks as guests, I extend my hand to goldibear: we're sorry you were treated so shabbily. While we can't stop you from going, we can assure you that your mistreatment was a momentary aberration in the otherwise kind and gentle mileau (EDIT: Oh my God, did I really misspell milieu???) we are fostering here.

I'm not sorry to be blunt when people have been less than gracious. I hope we learn from this mistake.