WW, while monthly calendars are the most common, you can get day calendars-- (a word a day- or the Far side a day.. and weekly calendars are not at all unknown, or uncommon. I have had yearly calendars that are lunar.. each day shows the faze of the moon, and the calendar on one sheet showed the whole year. having all of the year on one sheet/view is not that uncommon.. and my check book even has 3 years displayed in one view. and there are even zodiac calendars.. which show each "month" by its zodiac sign.. Starting in March with Aries.. and while i am christian (more or less, with emphasis on less,) i always have a jewish calendar around.. if nothing else, it helps with cross word puzzles. --New Year was just last month.. September 18/19 to our way of thinking.

monthly calendars might be the most common (and i like the ones with pretty pictures, usually landscapes) best, but they are by no means the most common. (is there a name for the calendars that show three months at a time? they are really common in government offices in US.)