I can't give you the reference - it must be the Fifties, or maybe even the late Forties, well before Google et al. - but I can tell you what it is, according to Asimov:

Thiotimoline is a substance that reacts strongly with water. Like sodium, only more so. Indeed, when thio-t. and water touch, the reaction is so cataclysmic that both of them vanish in mutual annihilation - thirty seconds before the moment of contact !

Now _that's_ violent !

And speaking of dubious science, has anybody seen/can anybody find the brief report from Arthur D. Little Company about "The Turbo-Encabulator in Industry"? It too dates from the Fifties-give-or-take-ten-years, and is worthy of being revived periodically...

(Is the Journal of Irreproducible Results still published?)