>at least moderately clean

I've always been in favour of this. I supose that the term "moderate" is like "reasonable" it is down to individual definition.

I find, when watching films and television with my children that a lot of it goes over their head, buried in a context that they don't understand. Have you ever seen the film "Grease"? I saw it at the age of, maybe, 15. I saw it on video recently and realised that there was a story buried in there that even as a fairly "savvy" 15 year old, I had completely missed!

On the other hand, there is a lot of a much more explicit nature, especially here where programmes are "dressed up" as documentaries How many documentaries to we really need to make sure we are fully aware aware of the minutiae of life as a lap dancer, for example? My daughter caught the end of a programme the other day which was clearly giving the opposite of the strong anti-drugs message that they are given in school. She'll get her chance to make up her own mind some day but I'd prefer her to enjoy her childhood first.

So on the board, which is open (but probably not that interesting) to everyone, I think context is everything. I remember, in the mists of time, starting a discussion on language which gives offence. Gratuitous stuff, no thanks.