But it is always hesitatingly that I come, now. More than that—I come with a vague sense of agony.

How sad Insel. I know some of you have no clue who I am and my opinions may not carry much weight but it might be a good idea, when you feel personally slighted, to send a personal message to the person who posted the note you believe is attacking you.

I really feel, like Jazz, that in most cases, it is a phrase or sentiment that is misunderstood - miscommunication at its worst.

Cliques, there are cliques?? And why wasn't I invited ? I don't think clique is exactly the right word sweetie. It is normal that some people, who have been on the board for a while, have more shared experiences than with newer folks.

Think about your personal group of friends. Do you not have some that you've known longer, who share more friendship 'baggage' than others. The other ones are not less important to you...just important in different ways.

I always read the Board believing that everybody is here to have fun and that the people here are basically kindhearted. Armed with that, if anything ever upset me (an extremely rare occurrence), I would go to the source to sort it out. It has *always* worked out.

This is like a family - quirks and all. People have always taken me the way I am, proverbial warts and all, well I certainly appreciate it and do the same for them.