The size of this thread was a bit daunting at first, but I am profoundly glad that I kept on reading... This discussion has, more than any other thread I've seen to date, made me aware of the reasons I came to this forum and the reasons why I want to stay. We are different, we have different opinions and beliefs and backgrounds, but we also have certain things in common, and those are what we need to focus on.
The main thing I want to say is that we should be patient with each other. I may have tried the patience of some of you at times but I have never felt rejected or snubbed, and for this I thank you. I often feel slightly out of my depth here-- I'm so used to being "the smart one" everywhere else, and it's entirely different on the Board. There are so many impressive people here that I sometimes feel a little intimidated, or that I don't really have much to contribute. Most of you are older than I am, wiser than I am, or at the very least more experienced at this thing we call life than I am. This is not only true of me, but of some other members of the Board too. Have patience with us, please.
With that said, I want to let you all know how much I enjoy being here most of the time. I love the erudition, the humor, the banter, the simple friendship of this place. Thank you for the courtesy and kindness you have extended to me-- please extend it to other newcomers and "youngsters" as well.

Much love, Alicia