Where be these enemies? Keiva! Musick! See what a scourge is laid upon your hate that Heaven finds means to kill your joys with love.

Well, not really enemies or hate, I know, and with apologies to Willie S, can I suggest that you both have had ample innings and now it's ENOUGH!

Musick, you being, I believe senior in terms of time here, I address you first. When I read the short quote of your remarks to Keiva, I thought it really offensive. I'm now convinced that it was not originally intended to be so and I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt in his assertion that he didn't go about to make something offensive which was not. I certainly don't want to see you also taking a hike. I have great respect for your knowledge and ability to impart information, particularly in your special field. Indeed, you are one of those whom I most admire and enjoy on the board (along with a number of others, of course). We need you.

Ken, you are a really important new acquisition to us and I want to see you around a long time contributing to our common fund of knowledge and enjoyment. I have enjoyed your posts and hope to enjoy more.

Now can both you guys do a little cyber version of shaking hands and relieve us of having to worry about our little community being wracked asunder? Please?!