Guess the Pooh-Bahs will just have to bear up and be anchors for this Great Experiment by Anu (bless him) and try to steer a steady course as folks come aBoard and then debark.

I don't presume that, for one moment, you speak for them all. This 'ugliness' (and I think Jackie picked her word adequately) caused a lot of people to leave very early on - well before anyone had even reached addict status - remember Philip Chambers, anyone? It was also the reason I left a year ago. Things could have improved with time, indeed they should have - which is why I came back. But there are a number of individuals who see the forum as 'their' territory and are pedantic in their nature and not too fussed about seeing newer members develop or even staying - despite your enthusiastic welcomes when they arrive.

Most of you are intelligent, wise and entertaining and the world community is better off with you. I kow-tow to your perserverance, knowledge and sheer good humour. You are what makes the AWAD forum great.

However, if numbers amongst you insist on making this a discussion group for the ultra-supreme-high brows then you are killing off those who legitimately want to get on and learn what you do. Not all of us have the privilege of spending our days with words. God bless those who can. I wish I could.

As for me - it's a classic case of once bitten, twice shy I haven't been the subject of a mauling this time but it's only a matter of time before someone decides to take me down-to-size again.

I'm off and this time I won't be back. Will you mourn for me too, wow? I wonder then again I think not. A 'tut, tut', a roll of the eyes and a 'plenty more where he came from' is all I'll get, I'll wager. You'll always have your Pooh-bahs to keep you company.

What is a Pooh-bah anyway? It's a measurement of the number of posts you've submitted - not a measure of your grandness or supposed intellect. A large number of those posts seem to consist of only one word. Had I consorted to that cheap trick I'd be up there after a week of the forum going live. Live in your ivory towers. I'm going back to a real world.