Tsuwm has again given me an excuse for hijacking one of his wwftd. This is a discussion of personal preferences in military weapons, but not enough information is given to make it easy to understand the meaning the speaker intended to convey. He says the other members of the unit have Sten submachineguns, but he has a rifle that weighs three times as much, but no real clue as to why he is willing to carry a weapon that weighs three times as much as the submachine guns. For some kinds of sniping, a heavy rifle might be desirable, providing it has special sights. But he says there is no ammo for it. What the hell good is a heavy weapon minus ammo? Maybe some board members can figure out how this makes sense.

today's wwftd is... crotchet
Tue, 28 Aug 2001 11:43:59 -0500 (CDT)
wwftd master <mikef3@cfsmo.honeywell.com>
wwftd minions <tsuwm@aol.com>

the worthless word for the day is: crotchet

[n] a highly individual and usually eccentric opinion or preference

Everyone else in the firm packs a Sten [submachine gun], you know.
The Mendoza weighs three times as much, no one's even seen any
7mm-Mexican Mauser bullets lately.... Am I goint to let the extra
weight make a difference? It's my crotchet....
-Pynchon, _Gravity's Rainbow_

-tsuwm http://members.aol.com/tsuwm/