We are actually quite free on this board-- and more than one poster has over the course of time, given a real last name, a mothers maiden name, a place of work, and a town-- it wouldn't take much to get his/her home address-- and you have almost enough information to do something dangerous!

but on the other hand, we have one member of this board pay visits to about 10 others.. so about 10 members of the board, for sure, are not axe murderers, lying in wait for their next victim. the jury is still out on me, Cap't K was afraid to meet up with me... smart man! but i sit by my grindstone waiting the day....

part of our freedom lies in our nature-- i think word lovers can't help but to be at least slightly liberal-- even Jazz-- our conservative republican -- i think he would be fight for what, in the US is shorthanded as, freedom of the press-- the right to free expression. (which includes words, and images) we champion it, and we practice it, and we all seem to revel in it!

It is wonderful that Sparteye has gone out on a limb-- and opened her house to us. I suppose there is a small possiblity of some "unsavory" character showing up.. but i think enough of us savor the comradery of AWAD, and look forward to meeting each other.. any unsavory character is not going to be let to get away with anything.

it would be nice to think, that smart people like us are always good people.. (well, i am smart, and damn, i am good too!) but i can understand paranoia--