Sweet musick, I got your mute point, I say;
No wondering moment, no kind of delay;
I knew what you meant the instant I read it;
No need to go back and ask for an edit.

I understand you sometimes, and that kind of scares me;
With caution I enter your verse, and that dares me
To try and untangle your words convoluted:
A task to which I am not sure I'm suited.

But one thing I've noticed from you and Sparteye;
You both mention drinking with CapK, and no lie--
I'm wondering if CapK won each of you over
Or did each of you try to hold on to this rover?

By plying with drink, did you think, "I might keep him
From all other parties who so earnestly seek him"?
Or was it his choice, all these drinks to knock back,
The better mem'ries to have once back on his track?