> 2 Your own (formative) experience, culture, country of domicile etc
I left out all those personal choices because I thought they were not universal enough. Instead of submitting my list over again I will write authors names under headings. What dictates this - is the love of the language.

Word play (and fun?) : Lewis Carrol and Shakespeare

Style : Maugham, Swift, Hazlit.

Structure : Shakespeare, Moliere, Wilde, Ibsen, Annouilh

Wit : Wilde, G.K Chesterton, Atre

"Easterness in the English" : Sarojini Naidu, Nissim Ezekiel, Tagore, Khayyam/Fitzgerald, Arundhati Roy

Simplicity (in writing and subject matter) : R.K Narayan, Ruskin Bond, Vikram Seth, Maupassant

Characterisation: Shakespeare, Carrol (Mock turtle?)

Imagination : George Lucas, Salman Rushdie, Asimov, Orwell, Carrol

Fieriness (or sensousness) :Emily Bronte, all Urdu Shayars (poets), Yeats also Khayyam

Reality : Chekov

For their stories : Harper lee, Jane Austen

Okay - two of this list don't even write in English - Atre and the Urdu Shayars, but they do add to my love of English. I think languages are linked. If you like something in one language you look for it or generate it in another. I have also included the translations because they have added to my love of English (or language in general).

Come back Shanks.