> Some scientists have determined that all of the pollution that the human race has made throughout history is no more than the output of a volcano.

Some scientists do not warrant that name

>And can someone tell me what harm CO2 emissions are causing? Carbon dioxide is what plants "breathe".
Perhaps the problem with the emissions is not industry, but greedy South American farmers who are tearing down the rain forest and thus lessening the number of plants that can suck in the CO2.

Jazzo, mate, I too believe Mother Earth will be able to withstand the human onslaught, what with her being around hundreds of millions years of years and all, but that does not, not even slightly justify humans polluting the earth to the current extremes.

> ...problems with this treaty, though, is that it ignores the fact that the US is more populous than almost all of the other nations

Na-uh cap, those who participated did take into account that say, oh Andorra might not be justified as much pollution as France for example (you really think they're that stupid? [scratching head]).

> how can we be expected to fit into such strict guidelines.

Strict! This plan was a VERY small step in the right direction. It didn't consider other gases, nor water pollution etc.
Your average US'n (Pick-up-driving, beer-guzzling 'n what not) comsumes circa double the fossil fuels that a European counterpart does in any one year (and yes, Europeans, relative to the rest of the world, use a lot too). Not just that, but your over-patriotic population also uses more water and produces more rubbish on average than any other state on this tinny planet.
You have the audacity to accuse South-American farmers living on the breadline of crimes against our earth!!! Step down from your ivory-tower, pull the wool from in front of your eyes, and foremost stop swallowing that insidious propaganda and half-truths that Uncle Sam feeds you and the millions of bandwagon consumers and blind partisans!