update-- i checked this AM with some "commuter students" who take the same train as i -- the last day of class for HS is today-- a week of finals-- and then final day if class is june 27th.

NYC is loath to close schools for snow too, too many parents count on schools and afterschool programs for "childcare". the "big storm" that the weather service predicted (and that never quite materialized) resulted in 1 snow day this past winter.. first snow day in about 5 years..

Its not just the snow-- NY isn't too bad--(city-- state is an other story) but its the grades.. many roads in east are old road.. and have never been re-graded-- I have found steeper grades on road in New England than i did when driving cross country-- and crossing the rockies! US I-80 had grade signs posted 5%, 6%, 8%-- that not a grade-- 12% (not at all uncommon in NE,) 17%, not unknown-- thats a grade! add some snow or ice.. and no one is moving anywhere -- except down hill! fast!