well, I'm going to shut this round down, as there are now 2 more rounds active (hi Sparteye!).
prosopolepsy broadly means partiality. this one was very hard to deduce etymologically as it comes from Greek roots having to do with person or face and developed along the lines of acceptance based solely on appearance.

we had 16 players plus moderator plus True Meaning, leaving eighteen (18!) choices; we had 19 votes (spread amongst 11 definitions!), 12 from the players. only one person voted correctly, that being non-player Rapunzel -- she gets two points per amended rule 2, and the moderator (that would be me) gets three points per rule 3. kudos and props to Sparteye for garnering 5 votes!! two folks voted fruitlessly for themselves. second round scoring is as follows:

Sparteye            5
tsuwm 5
Rapunzel 2
jimthedog 2
wordcrazy 1
fiberbabe 1
freckled_snout 1
rodward 1
Jackie 1
Rhubarb C 1
b96 1

total scores to date:

flatlander            6
Sparteye 6
tsuwm 6
Bingley 4
Geoff 3
wwh 3
fiberbabe 3
RhubarbC 3
Rapunzel 3
jimdog 2
paulb 1
Whitman 1
wordcrazy 1
freckled_snout 1
rodward 1
Jackie 1
b96 1
jazzo 1