here's the scoring rules slightly modified from the board game:

1. One point is given to each player for every vote (or guess) his phony definition receives.
2. Two points are awarded to each player who chooses the true* meaning.
3. Three points are given to the moderator only if none of the players choose the true meaning.
4. Three points are awarded to any player who submits a definition which is similar or very close to the correct
5. If two or more players submit a definition per rule 4 (in the judgment of the moderator), the round will be thrown out with no points scored (or the moderator can disqualify obvious attempts to sabotage the game :-Ţ )
6. A player may vote for her own definition but scores points only for those others she can bluff into also voting for that definition.. (i.e., you can't get a rule 1 point that way!)

since we're trying to promote the game, I'll let anyone vote in round 1 but, obviously, only the submitters will accumulate score. we can make adjustments as we go.

*true meaning is at the discretion of the moderator, distilled from the usually accepted sources (OED, W3, MWCD, AHD)