NEW DELHI, May 21 (Reuters) - Police in the Indian capital said on Monday the marauding "monkey man" which terrorised the city over the past week was neither man nor monkey but a result of public hysteria

I'm neither Avy nor Shanks but let me just butt in for a second then I will go away.

I, too, heard that news but from the radio (NPR) and I couldn't believe that it was not an April Fool's joke. The NPR point man in India, I thought, had eaten too much spicy food and was not in proper form to do a strenous reporting and opted for this light news. If you listened to all the people that he interviewed for the story, not one could cite any credible evidence. I guess that this is another case of "you had to be there" in order to feel the public hysteria.

Avy, Shanks come in....
