Envy, on t'other hand seems to me to be the mark of mean-spiritdness, and ought to be considered a sin whenever it is manifested.

is envy, by definition, necessarily the desire to *take* something from another? atomica defines it as "A feeling of discontent and resentment aroused by and in conjunction with desire for the possessions or qualities of another."

i guess it's difficult for me to distinguish between envy and admiration. i can admire something--a beautiful jewel, for example--without wishing for it myself (i don't care much for jewelry). however, i often find myself envying someone's talents, wisdom, experience, self-control (), etc., in the sense that i set those attributes as goals for myself. my envy certainly doesn't include a wish that those whose traits or possessions i admire would themselves lose them. is this form of envy still a sin? is there a better word for what i think of as envy?