I must begin with the caveat that anyone who has sufficient command of a second language to be able to work in it has my undying admiration. That said, reading translations can be a real hoot. I find that directions accompanying products made outside the US are a marvelous source of Adventures in Translation.

Here is one which came with a "Magic Egg," a toy shaped like a pellet which you put into water to make it expand into a shaped sponge. I believe that the particular one I had was shaped like the state of Michigan. Here are the directions:


Put the thing inside the Magic Egg into a clear water. It will be expanded slowly. 1 - 3 hours, it will be expanded 20 times in the volume. 6 hours later, it will be expanded 48 times, and 24 hours later it will be expanded 100 times.

After taking Magic Egg out of the water, it will be shrinked slowly to the original size, for the repetition; it will be for observation and admiration of the swelling.