Ms. Jackie:

In a remarkable coincidence, I was in Spain working on the initial planning for Spain's own version of the Maginot line. Although there was little fear of an actual invasion by the French, the Spanish felt that the Pyrenees were insufficient defense against some of the more insidious aspects of French culture (they were particularly worried about the consumption of snails, and, eek, that dreaded gallic shrug - King Juan Carlos, the figurehead of state who engaged my services, had nightmares about the people of his fair land recklessly shrugging and snail-chomping their way into EU membership - and I won't even go into his fears of the power-mad Andorrans).

In any case, Juan Carlos had heard of my knack for creating elaborate, but ultimately futile, constructions, and devising grandiose plans that inevitably come to naught, and he felt I was just the hombre to create for him an impenetrable barrier against the foul designs of...

Wait a minute. That wasn't me.

I was studying in Spain. That's right. Studying. And hitchhiking. And drinking wine.

Thanks for asking. We now return to our regularly scheduled programming.