I think you do a bit of injustice to both Maginot and the Nazis. I remember reading about the Maginot line, and it was very strong, but not strong enough to withstand men as brave,well trained,and well led as the Nazis who exploited its few weaknesses.

Sorry Bill, but you're w-a-a-a-y off the mark. The Maginot Line ran the length of the Belgian border. The "weakness" that the Germans exploited was that they could drive round the end of it. Which they did. It would have failed even if it had run from the sea to the Swiss border, however. It was built with the military technology and tactics of WWI in mind. For some strange reason the Germans were using more advanced technologies - like tanks and paratroops. It might have held them up for, oh, I dunno, five minutes?

Anyway, to show I'm not prejudiced, have a look at this Smithsonian Magazine revisionist article which disagrees with my view:


I think someone's got carried away with the ability of the French to dig holes ...

The idiot also known as Capfka ...