If you want to see some really tough questions, watch "Who Wants To Be a Millionaire". My aged P's love that show, and so when visiting the capital, I must watch. I do mean must; their hearing is fine, but I can sit on the front steps (with the front door and windows shut I might add) and make out the program quite clearly. In fact, on occasion, people walking by on the sidewalk call out, "He really should have gotten that one." (ok, slight exageration)

(For those of you not familiar, you answer increasingly difficult questions until the million dollar question.) One question for $1 or $2,000: what condiment is made from soybeans? A) Mustard, B) Relish, C) Ketchup, D) Soya sauce.

Another question, in a book, what type of font is slants from the bottom left to the upper right. Contestant (claiming to have not one, but two university degrees) did not guess the correct answer from the four choices, one of which was italics.

Unlike bridget96, I do like TV, but I tape the shows and then only watch them while running on the treadmill fast forwarding through all of the commercials. I highly recommend this approach, although once I made the mistake of putting a really good movie on and had to keep running so I could see how it turned out.