On the television program "Sunday Morning" this morning, Charles Osgood reported the plight of America's Certified Public Accountants.
(CPAs are Chartered Accountants, I believe, in Irl and UK.)
It seems that CPAs do a lot more than prepare taxes and audit accounting procedures these days and they want a new name to project this new image.
The name CONDITOR was suggested but it was not well received. Seems the beleagured CPA felt it was conjuring up images of condors and dinosaurs.
(Would an enlightened CPA be Conditor Lex?)
So for now they call the new name X-Y-Z and are still open to suggestions.
Now there is a challenge.
No guarantee they'd pay any attention BUT what do you suggest as a replacement for the initial name CPA when the vocation has expaned into new fields of endeavour like estate planning, insurance advice and all that goes into financial planning?
Ready? Set? GO!