Jackies' post which had remninded me of the "wow, you mean there's kulcha in NZ?" atttitude that was common once upon a long ago.

Point of clarification, if you please: I was amazed for two reasons only: mostly the fact that the source of info. about Scottish language was so far from Scotland,
and to a lesser extent simply that that info. would come from anywhere other than Scotland. [Don't be so danged
paranoid emoticon] It looked like, from one of the book titles, that there was a pocket or two of land in NZ that was settled by Scots a century or two ago. 'Sides, I happen to know for a fact that there are some very cultured people in NZ! [Put that in your pipe and smoke it e]

"Mulennium", "ass(k)", return to my "burro"---OW, you guys!