And the telephone on my desk (which is the one I stare at all day) has the letters QZ on the Zero button. (And on at least one mobile I have since looked at, the Q is in with PRS and the Z with WXY) So that was another two questions I got "wrong"! Does any one know why the letters Q and Z were omitted first time around? UK phones lost their letters for a while (1975-ish?) after the London exchanges lost their alphabetic designations I think, and many households still don't have them. That is one of the reasons why the 0800-BET-ON-A-HORSE type numbers have never made it big in UK. Which leads us to a new game. Since each number is shared by 3 letters (in general) you can change the letters in alphabetic telephone numbers (and what is the correct word for that??) to make another phrase. Any good examples out there?
