Bach and B-A-C-H
Jazz, I think you are under some misapprehension here. The naming system used in Germany was already in place when J.S. started working. Of all the myriads of works he composed, he used the sequence of tones B-A-C-H only once. It appears, briefly, as the last theme introduced in The Art of Fugue and comes in at the very end. The Art of Fugue was the last thing he composed; indeed, according to his eldest son, Wilhelm Friedemann, it was composed literally on his deathbed (he dictated the last sections, as by that time he had gone blind) and the reason it breaks off abruptly is that he died at the point at which it ends (only a few bars after B.A.C.H comes in). It was, in a way, the culmination of his life's work, as it is a summary and demonstration of the rules and art of fugue writing, of which he was the greatest master, and which was at that time beginning to die out. Appropriately enough, B.A.C.H is a solemn and mournful tune.