Unfortunately, the word has become - certainly in england - part of the common parlance of the young. Travel on a bus taking youngsters home from school and it occurs every fourth or fifth word.
The word can be used very creatively, however. I am reminded of a scene at which I was present, some thirty years ago. I was visiting a construction site, and talking to the Site Agent in his office when the JCB (a back-hoe digger) working nearby came to an ear-splittingly grinding halt.
The operator jumped out of the cab and came stumping across to the site office.
"what's up, Pat?" asked the Agent. (the operator was,as one would expect on a British site, Irish.)
He didn't quite spit on the floor, but, with a terrible scowl, uttered this succinct and terribly accurate phrase:

"De fucking fucker's fucking fucked!"

I'm immortal until proven otherwise