-----had an interesting encounter with one a few days ago.
I was having difficulty with my stereo system and called
a company I found in the yellow pages. They sent a
very long haired, goatee'd, dark glasses fellow over to
fix it. He had the name of a "band" on his hoodie, so
I asked him about it, and he told me all about how he plays
in this band, etc.etc. Then he turned on the tuner and
dialed in the local "classical" music station. I asked
him why that station instead of one of the "rock" stations.
He responded it had clearer reception than any in the
neighborhood, better for using to find stereo difficulties
and besides "I like the music". A secret aesthete as
in the "Usage" section of todays word. He then began
to tell me how he named his first son Sebastian Amadeus
after the middle names of his two favorite composers.
So this late 20's guy, who plays in a rock band sure
fooled me: a secret aesthete.

----please, draw me a sheep----