Originally Posted By: LukeJavan8
Originally Posted By: BranShea
You past the tornado time going through 150 spreuken? Wow!
I gave up round 100. But when it's dark how does one know there are tornado's when you can't see them.

Yes - you hear the wind! It sounds like a freight train passing overhead. Frightening. The sound was
terrible on Monday. At night these days we have radar. The meteorologist have a picnic, each tv station
trying to outdo the next. They trace it down to the point where they tell which neighborhood and
people living on what streets when to hit the shelters. I was in my basement, when it passedover.
Of course the radar is only effective as it comes, the tornado does not respect the radar, and can
change immediately.
The worst we had here was in 1975 (tho' the 1913 one killed over 150)killing 4, one was a dummy standing
on his roof watching it. The tornado swept thru ripping off one side of a hospital, roof off a high
school, leveled three elementary schools. Cars found miles away. Screen from a drive-in movie never
found, undoubtedly shredded. Etc. Very frightening

Sounds like Southern Illinois almost. Murphysboro has had some fairly powerful ones over the years. The Illinois State Archives/Museum in Springfield still has a display of artifacts from one in the 19teens (13 or 15, I cannot remember which). There was one that hit Marion about 10 years ago that picked up a tractor-trailer parked at a truckstop at Ill.Hiway 13 & I-57, carried it about 3/4 mi. & set it down intact on the roof of a bank building on the opposite side of the Interstate. In Dec 1957, after usual season, 10 funnel clouds were seen touching down in and around Chester causing minimal damage. In June 1946, two tornadoes struck the bridge across the Mississippi River at Chester simultaneously, picked up half the span and set it down in the river about 50 yards down-stream. The bridge had been completed only a little over a year. One of those storms took the back porch off of our house, while I lay sleeping only a stairwell away. I never heard a thing. I was 9 years old. Back then there were no early warning systems.